A +ve



Condensed Matter Physics


Basic Details


Qualification Details

S.No. Qualification Name Of University Passing Year
1 B.Sc. Lucknow University 1983
2 M.Sc. Lucknow University 1985
3 PhD Lucknow University 1990

Positions Held

S.No. Employer Designation Employment Period
Date from Date to
1 O2099University of Lucknow Professor 24/04/2007 Presently Working
2 O2100University of Lucknow Reader 24/04/1999 24/04/2007
3 O2101University of Lucknow Lecturer 24/04/1990 24/04/1999

Academic Details

Recent Significant Publications, Articles, Cases

S.No. Title Journal Volume/Issue Year
1 O7700Development of ultrafast room temperature LPG sensor using Fe2O3/PVP nanocomposite Applied Physics A 2022
2 O7701Analysis of H-bonded molecular association in formamide with alcohols Materials Today: Proceedings Proceedings 2021
3 O7702Study of molecular association in binary mixtures of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) with ethanol, 1-propanol and 1-butanol through thermo-acoustical, FT-IR, UV–Vis spectroscopy and DFT studies The European Physical Journal D D 2021
4 O7704Surface modification and characterization of h-BN-doped PVP thin film and its application as humidity sensor with theoretical DFT calculations Chemical Papers 10 2021
5 O7703Thermoacoustic and DFT Analysis of N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) with 1-Propanol and Methanol at 293.15, 303.15, and 313.15 K Brazilian Journal of Physics 51(2) 2021
6 O7707Formation of multifunctional ZrO2–MgO-hBN nanocomposite for enhanced bone regeneration and E coli bacteria filtration applications Ceramics International 46 2020
7 O7708Health problems faced by disabled children and their effect on education: Disabled students in the university campus Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 7 2020
8 O7709Socio-economic problems faced by disabled students and its effect on higher education Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 7 2020
9 O7705Thermoacoustical analysis of binary mixtures of N-N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) with BAE and 1-BuOH Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics 39 2020
10 O7706Thermodynamic, spectroscopic and DFT studies of binary mixtures of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) with ethanol, 1-propanol and 1-butanol J. Mol. Liquids 112237 2020
11 O7710Thermodynamical study of N-N Dimethylformamide with butylaminoethanol and 1- butanol Indian journal of applied physics 6 2019
12 O7711Thermoacoustical and excess properties of binary mixtures poly(ethylene glycol) butyl ether (PEGBE) 206 with 1-butanol and 2-(methylamino) ethanol (MAE) J pure and applied ultrasonics 40 2018
13 O7714Acoustical and Rheological Study of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Butyl Ether (PEGBE) 206 with Alcohols-An Experimental and Computational Study Advances in Physical Science Research 9 2017
14 O7712Thermoacoustical Analysis of Binary Mixtures of Acetonitrile with 2- Ethoxyethanol and 2-Butoxyethanol at Varying Temperatures Advances in Physical Science Research 9 2017
15 O7713Thermoacoustical analysis of binary mixtures of N-N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) with BAE and 1-BuOH J. PURE APPL. ULTRASON 39 2017
16 O7717A Thermodynamic and 1H NMR Spectroscopy study of binary mixtures of polyethylene glycol butyl ether (PEGBE) 206 with 1-Butanol and 2-(Methylamino) ethanol (MAE) J.Mol.Liquids 214 2016
17 O7716Optical , Volumetric and Viscometric Studies of Binary Liquid Mixture. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) 3 2016
18 O7715Thermo-physical and Computational Study of Solutions of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Butyl Ether (PEGBE) 206 at Varying Temperatures Journal of Pure Applied and Industrial Physics 6 2016
19 O7718Thermophysical Properties of Binary Liquid Mixtures of Acetronitrile with 2- Ethoxyethanol and 2- Butoxyethanol at Temperatures 293K, 303K and 313K: Experimental and Computational Study Journal of Thermodynamics & Catalysis 7 2016
20 O7719Studies of Dielectric constant of Some Polymer/Ceramic Composite Materials: A Conformational study International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation ( IJRSI) 2 2015
21 O7720Study of molecular Interaction in Binary Mixture of Formamide with2-Ethoxyethanol at Varying Temperatures Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 51 2013
22 O7722Study of Molecular Interactions in Binary Mixtures of Aniline with Carboxylic Acids at 293.15 K, 303.15 K and 313.15 K J. Solution Chem 41 2012
23 O7723Thermoacoustical Study of Molecular Interactions in Binary Mixtures of Pentane with Methanol and Tert-Butanol Phy. Chem. Liqs. 50 2012
24 O7721Thermodynamical Study of Alcoholic Solutions of Poly (ethylene glycol) Diacrylate and Poly (ethylene glycol) Dimethacrylate Int. J. Thermodyn 15 2012

Conferences, Seminars &Talks

S.No. Details Year.
1 O9521107th India Science Congress, Agricultural University, Bengaluru 2020
2 O9522ISAFBM-2019, Lucknow 2019
3 O9523106th India Science Congress, LPU, phagwara, Punjab 2019
4 O9524105th India Science Congress, Manipur University, Imphal 2018
5 O9525National Conference on ETNCER-16 2016
6 O9526International Conference on New Scintillations on Materials Horizon (ICNSMH- 2016), 21- 23 October 2016
7 O9527XXIST National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU 2016), 08-10 November 2016
8 O9529International Conference on Advances in Light Technologies and Spectroscopy of Materials (ICALTSM-2016) January 16- 18 2016, Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. 2016
9 O9528103rd Indian Science Congress, Jan. 3-7 2016, Mysore. 2016
10 O9530National Symposium on IMCE-2015 and NCCT-2015, 8 October 2015, University of Lucknow, Lucknow 2015
11 O9531102nd Indian Science Congress, Jan. 3-7 2015, Mumbai 2015
12 O9532International Symposium on Advances in Biological & Material Science, July 15, 2014, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. 2014
13 O9533International Conferenceon Machine Learning, Electrical andMechanical Engineering (ICMLEME'2014) Jan. 8-9, 2014 at Dubai (UAE). 2014
14 O9534101st Indian Science Congress, Feb. 3-7 2014, Jammu 2014
15 O9535National Colfference on Challenges & Opportunities for Technological Innovation In India (COTTI) Feb 22, 2014, Ambalica Institute ofTechnology, Lucknow. 2014
16 O95368th National Conference on Thermodynamics of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Systems (TCBES), BBAU, Lucknow, Nov. 25- 26, 2013. 2013
17 O9537International Seminar on Advances in Bio & Nano Material Science, Nov. 17, 2013, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. 2013

Awards & Recognitions

S.No. Name Of Awards Year.
1 O9512Best Poster Award, 106th session of Indian Science Congress held at Jalandhar 2019
2 O9520Sectional President in Physical Science Section of Indian Science Congress 2018
3 O9513Served as Sectional President in Physical Science Section of Indian Science Congress 2018
4 O9514Best Poster Award, 104th session of Indian Science Congress held at Tirupati 2017
5 O9516Best Poster Award, 103th session of Indian Science Congress held at Mysore 2016
6 O9515Best Poster Award, XXIST National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU) 2016
7 O9517Served as Sectional Recorder in Physical Science Section of Indian Science Congress 2016
8 O9518Best Poster Award, 102th session of Indian Science Congress held at Mumbai 2015
9 O9519Served as Sectional Recorder in Physical Science Section of Indian Science Congress 2015

Academic/Administrative Services to the University

S.No. Details
1 O6426I have been involved in various administrative and academic assignments during my services in University of Lucknow. At present I am Additional Proctor

Teaching Areas / Specialization

S.No. Details
1 O6427Electronics and Solid State Physics

Research Areas & Interests

S.No. Details
1 O6428Condensed matter physics, Spectroscopic, acoustical, dielectric, optical, volumetric and viscometric properties of polymeric materials and synthesis and characterisation of polymer thin films and ceramics