Assistant Professor

Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Research Methodology


Basic Details

Assistant Professor

Academic Details

Recent Significant Publications, Articles, Cases

S.No. Title Journal Volume/Issue Year
1 O12824Agression and Anxiety among Adolescents : A study International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education Volume 8, Issue 1 2022
2 O12822Eating Disorders : An Overview With Causes and Treatment International Journal of All Research and Scientific Methods Volume 10, Issue 1 2022
3 O12827Language and speech disorders in children IJARIIE Vol. 8 2022
4 O12828Parenting Style of working and homemaker mothers and the self- concept of their adolescents IJSDR Vol 7 2022
5 O12825Relationship between Parenting and Emotional Intelligence IJCRT Volume 10, Issue 1 2022
6 O12823Depression in Children & Adolescents : Review International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts Volume 6, Issue 2 2018
7 O12821Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Samples and Settings AMPPS DOI: 10.1177/2515245918810225 2018
8 O12820Qualitative Research methods in clinical Psychology IRJ ISSN2321-6301 2018
9 O12819Stressful Life events as risk factors of major depression in women Indian Journal of Social Science Review IJSSR ISSN2347-3797 2018
10 O12826Mental Health Legislation in India: 2017 Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN :2347-3150 2017

Conferences, Seminars &Talks

S.No. Details Year.
1 O13025Article published in Hindustan Times on the topic 'Horror is followed by Rape Trauma Syndrome' 2018
2 O13026Article published in Hindustan Times on the topic 'Need to develop integrative mental health and social care services' 2018
3 O13027Article published in Hindustan Times on the topic "Women's Safety" 2018
4 O13028Article published in Times of India on the topic "Talk to children openly on issues" 2017