B +ve



Physiology (Chronobiology), Endocrinology, and Reproductive Biology


Basic Details


Qualification Details

S.No. Qualification Name Of University Passing Year
1 Ph. D. University of Lucknow 1999
2 M. Sc. Meerut University 1983
3 B. Sc. Meerut University 1981

Positions Held

S.No. Employer Designation Employment Period
Date from Date to
1 O1028University of Lucknow Professor 12/07/2011 Presently Working

Academic Details

Recent Significant Publications, Articles, Cases

S.No. Title Journal Volume/Issue Year
1 O2902Seasonal reproductive state determines gene expression in the hypothalamus of a latitudinal migratory songbird during the spring and autumn migration Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 508 2020
2 O2903Development of vernal migration in redheaded buntings: Concurrent behavioral, physiological and neural changes under stimulatory photoperiods Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences DOI: 10.1039/C9PP00273A 2019
3 O2906Bright light at night alters the perception of daylength in Indian weaver bird (Ploceus philippinus) Journal of Experimental Zoology A 329(8-9) 2018
4 O2904Difference in control between spring and autumn migration in birds: insight from seasonal changes in hypothalamic gene expression in captive buntings Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 2018
5 O2905Scotostimulation of reproductive neural pathways and gonadal maturation are not correlated with hypothalamic expression of deiodinases in subtropical spotted munia Journal of Neuroendocrinology doi: 10.1111/jne.12627 2018
6 O2908Circannual testis and moult cycles persist under photoperiods that disrupt circadian activity and clock gene cycles in spotted munia Journal of Experimental Biology 15 2017
7 O2907Temporal expression of clock genes in central and peripheral tissues of spotted munia under varying light conditions: evidence for circadian regulation of daily physiology in a non-photoperiodic circa Chronobiology International 35(5) 2017
8 O2916Annual life-history dependent seasonal differences in neural activity of the olfactory system between non-migratory and migratory songbirds Behavioural Brain Research 296 2016
9 O2913Changes in brain peptides associated with reproduction and energy homeostasis in photosensitive and photorefractory migratory redheaded buntings General and Comparative Endocrinology 230-231 2016
10 O2910Patterns and diversity in locomotor activity in spotted munia (Lonchura punctulata) Biological Rhythm Research 48 2016
11 O2915Pinealectomy interferes with circadian clock gene oscillations in the brain and liver but not retina in migratory redheaded bunting Physiology and Behaviour 156 2016
12 O2914Seasonal neuronal plasticity in song-control and auditory forebrain areas in subtropical non-migratory and Palearctic-Indian migratory male songbirds The Journal of Comparative Neurology 524 2016
13 O2912Seasonal trend in movement directions at dawn and dusk: a study on crow and white herons Biological Rhythm Research 47(4) 2016
14 O2911Timed food availability affects circadian behavior but not the neuropeptide Y expression in Indian weaverbirds exposed to a typical light environment Physiology and Behaviour 161 2016
15 O2909Working ‘Out-of-Phase’ with reference to chronotype compromises sleep quality in police personnel Chronobiology International 33 2016

Conferences, Seminars &Talks

S.No. Details Year.
1 O2881National Symposium on Avian Biology, IISER Tirupati 2019
2 O2877V World Congress on Chronobiology and JBR-SAGE Symposium on Chronobiology, Suzhou, China 2019
3 O2879International Symposium on Biological Rhythms in conjunction with the Biennial meeting of Indian Society for Chronobiology, CCS University, Meerut, (India) 2019
4 O2880A workshop on Time, Brain and Behaviour, CCS University, Meerut 2019
5 O2878International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Canada 2018

Awards & Recognitions

S.No. Name Of Awards Year.
1 O2875Travel Award for V World Congress for Chronobiology, Suzhou, China 2019
2 O2876National Fellowship Award by Indian Society of Chronomedicine 2018

Academic/Administrative Services to the University

S.No. Details
1 O2626Chief Provost, Lucknow University Halls, University of Lucknow
2 O2627Vice Chairman, Delegacy, University of Lucknow

Teaching Areas / Specialization

S.No. Details
1 O2628Endocrinology
2 O2629Reproductive Biology
3 O2630Physiology (Chronobiology)