Friday, March 28, 2025 3:37:31 PM
Light & Learning

Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma Institute of Democracy


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Associate Professor

Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma Institute of Democracy is a forward looking Institute that would be focusing on governance and public policy as these are the elements to take any nation, particularly India, to make it progressive while benefitting all segments of the society. It would be done by training the students with analytical rigour and deep understanding of the issues besides promoting research and capacity building at different levels through training programmes.

Foundation laying ceremony of the Institute by Dr. Girilal Gupta and Mrs Vimala Sharma (wife of Late Dr Shanker Dayal Sharma, former President of India) was made on September 12, 2007 at the Second Campus of the University of Lucknow. The Institute along with the Dr. Girilal Gupta Institute of Public Health came into existence together with the great commitment and generous contribution by the son of Dr Girilal Gupta, Sri Vinod Gupta who is a recognized business entity in USA. Dr Girilal Gupta has been alumnus of our great University during 1938-40. The funds were made available through the VGCF, New Delhi. The VGCF is being chaired by Shri AD Sharma (son of late President of India Dr Shanker Dayal Sharma).

Shanker Dayal Sharma Institute of Democracy was inaugurated in November, 2009 and its foundation stone was laid by Mrs Vimala Sharma with the aim of training, research and teaching. The Institute is committed for promoting the cause of democracy in various ways.