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Mechanical Engineering

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Admission link

(Admission help line Number: +91-7991200632)


Dr. Kamlesh Tiwari

Assistant Professor

Department Coordinator

Mobile: 9721049117


The Faculty of Engineering & Technology was re-established in 2017, as one of the faculties of the University of Lucknow. The vision of Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FoET) is to be globally renowned for imparting quality engineering education in pioneering interdisciplinary technology. The FoET's mission is to produce morally aware, dynamic, competent engineering professionals and leaders who shall steer the nation to a better future. The Faculty offer B.Tech. programme in five branches of Engineering i.e. Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. The Faculty also offers BCA & MCA programmes. All B.Tech and MCA admissions for the session 2021-22 shall made through AKTU counselling on the basis of JEE-2021 merit (for B.Tech.) and NTA-UPCET-2021 merit (for MCA & B.Tech. Lateral Entry) whereas admission in BCA takes place as per University of Lucknow guidelines. The FoET had made substantial contribution to the academia and provides experience through internships in core companies of respective branches, along with expert talks, live projects, workshops and upscale labs.

The Faculty of Engineering & Technology is located in the second campus of the University in Jankipuram extension, Lucknow. The second campus, University of Lucknow accommodates Faculty of Law, Institute of Management Sciences and several other professional courses in addition to Faculty of Engineering & Technology. Large stretches of this area are covered by green belt. The Eco-friendly practices and teaching-learning are planned to be combined together to promote sustainable development. Furthermore, initiatives have also been taken towards energy conservation and tapping of solar energy in the campus.


The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers 4 years undergraduate B.Tech programme & it has an intake of 60 students The Department has a well qualified well experienced faculty and technical supporting staff. All the laboratories of the department are well equipped with modern equipments.


  1. Tensile Testing

  2. Compression Testing

  3. Impact Testing

  4. Pollution testing

  5. Bending Testing

  6. Hysteresis Testing

  7. Torsion Testing

  8. Hardness Testing

  9. Microstructure

  10. Spring Testing

  11. Calorific Values Testing


1. Lathe Machining Works 

2. Milling Machining Works

3. Welding Works

4. Carpentry Works

5. Sheet Metal Works



The workshop has been developed as a central facility for imparting training to B.Tech. students of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering in various shops. Training will also be imparted to Mechanical Engineering students in the subject of Manufacturing Process . Facility of workshop being utilized by students of all the departments for fabrications of their jobs. Workshop facility is being extended to the students beyond working hours on Saturday and Sunday for fabrication of their technical needs. Shops are well equipped with latest tools, equipments and machineries. A very senior and experienced faculty member is looking after the workshop as workshop superintendent.

Central Workshop comprises of following shops which are well equipped with latest tools and equipments:

  • Fitting Shop
  • Welding Shop
  • Sheet Metal Shop
  • Carpentry Shop
  • Pattern Making Shop
  • Smithy Shop
  • Foundry Shop
  • Machine Shop


1. Workshop Technology

Workshop comprises of following shops which are well equipped with latest tools and equipments:

  • Fitting Shop
  • Welding Shop
  • Sheet Metal Shop
  • Carpentry Shop
  • Pattern Making Shop
  • Smithy Shop
  • Foundry Shop
  • Machine shop

2. Strength of Materials lab

Euipments: 6(Buckling Testing Machine, Universal testing machine, torsion testing machine, hardness, impact testing, bending )

3. Thermodynamics lab

Equipments:11 (Separating And Throttling Calorimeter Apparatus, Bomb Calorimeter, CochranBoiler, Cornish Boiler,Steam Engine, Velocity compounded steam turbine. Pressure compounded steam turbine, Impulse and Reaction turbine, Gas Turbine, Window AC, Refrigerator)

4. Material Science & Testing lab

Equipments:9 (Spring Testing Machine, Plastic Moulding Machine, Injection/Press alongwith Plastic Granules (Thermo Plastic and Thermosetting Resin), Abrasive cut-off Wheel Machine with cooling arrangement, Hand Polisher (sanders board ),  Polishing Machine, Muffle Furnace,  Metallurgical Microscope, Faraday’s Law of electrolysis apparatus, Single Pan Electronic Balance)

5. Manufacturing Science lab

Equipments: 17  (Lathe machine, Milling machine, shaper, surface grinder, grinding wheel, drilling machine, power hacksaw,, electric welding machine, 3D printing machine appratus, Power Hammer, Sieve Shaker,  Tube Bending,  Hydraulic Press complete setup,  Wire Drawing Set up,  Sand Mixer Muller )

6. Measurement & Metrology lab

Equipments:15 (Verniercaliper, Micrometer, Tachometer, Sine bar, Slip Gauges, Dial Indicator, Feeler Guage, Bevel Protector, Themocouple Calibration Test Rig, Tool Makers Microscope, LVDT trainer kit, Pressure Calibrator with Master Pressure Gauge (Analog), Optical Stroboscope, Plug gauge, Plug & ring taper gauge)

7. Heat & Mass Transfer lab

Equpments:5 (Heat Transfer Through Composite Cylinder Apparatus.,Heat Transfer Through Composite Wall Apparatus,Heat Transfer Through a Pin-Fin (Natural and Forced) appratus, Parallel and Counter Flow Heat Exchanger Apparatus, Heat Pipe Apparatus.

8. Fluid Machinery lab

Equipments:3 (Reciprocating Pump Test Ring, Models of Different Impellers Of Pumps (Forward, Backward and Radial), Closed Circuit Hydraulic Ram Test Rig Hydraulic Ram)

9. C. Engines lab

Equipments:5 (Four Stroke Four Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig With Morse Test and with (Electrical/Eddy current Dynamometer), Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine Test Rig with (Electrical/Eddy current Dynamometer), Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor Test rig, Exhaust Gas Analyser (5 Gas – CO CO2 HC NOx O2) setup, Cut section model of four stroke diesel engine)

10. Theory of Machines lab

Equipments:9 (Simple Linkage models/mechanisms, Four Bar Linkage, Slider Crank Mechanisms, Gear Tooth form/profile apparatus, Gear Train, Dead Weight type Governor,Spring Controlled Governor, Gyroscope, Free and Forced Vibration Apparatus)

11. Machine Design lab

Equipments:4 (muff coupling, flexible coupling, rivet joints, bolted joints)

                    3D Printing Machine                                   Air Compression Testing system                         
             Diseal Engine testing Rig                                    Gasoline Engine Testing Rig 
         Machine shop (Central Workshop)                     Universal Testing Machine (400T)
             Torsion Testing Machine                                     Additive Manufacutring                 
                                                     Hardness Testing Machine