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Department of Applied Science & Humanities

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Dr. Deepak Gupta

Assistant Professor

Department Coordinator

Mobile: 9415945708


The Faculty of Engineering & Technology was re-established in 2017, as one of the faculties of the University of Lucknow. The vision of Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FoET) is to be globally renowned for imparting quality engineering education in pioneering interdisciplinary technology. The FoET's mission is to produce morally aware, dynamic, competent engineering professionals and leaders who shall steer the nation to a better future. The Faculty offer B.Tech. programme in five branches of Engineering i.e. Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. The Faculty also offers BCA & MCA programmes. All B.Tech and MCA admissions for the session 2021-22 shall made through AKTU counselling on the basis of JEE-2021 merit (for B.Tech.) and NTA-UPCET-2021 merit (for MCA & B.Tech. Lateral Entry) whereas admission in BCA takes place as per University of Lucknow guidelines. The FoET had made substantial contribution to the academia and provides experience through internships in core companies of respective branches, along with expert talks, live projects, workshops and upscale labs.

The Faculty of Engineering & Technology is located in the second campus of the University in Jankipuram extension, Lucknow. The second campus, University of Lucknow accommodates Faculty of Law, Institute of Management Sciences and several other professional courses in addition to Faculty of Engineering & Technology. Large stretches of this area are covered by green belt. The Eco-friendly practices and teaching-learning are planned to be combined together to promote sustainable development. Furthermore, initiatives have also been taken towards energy conservation and tapping of solar energy in the campus.


The Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities functions with the mission of expanding human knowledge and benefit society through education and research on fundamental and applied aspects of science and humanities in a singularly collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere.

The Department comprises of multi-disciplinary faculty members at present mainly related to Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English literature to cater the need of multi-disciplinary students at the Faculty. Our teachers and students provide a home to the most promising research with an access to state of art educational/research laboratory and central library facilities for both Basic/Applied and Engineering research.

The Applied Sciences & Humanities Department (ASH) is second largest Department of Faculty of Engineering & Technology. Department participate in B.Tech, BCA & MCA programmes by offering courses in Applied Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Professional Communication & Humanities. The Department has a well qualified faculty and supporting staff. All the laboratories of the department are well equipped with modern equipments.


  • To strengthen the fundamentals in Applied Sciences (Chemistry, Physics & Mathematics).
  • To develop the ability to communicate effectively as technical professionals be able to appraise the learning.
  • To provide an environment for working effectively in groups.
  • To sensitize students to environmental and ethical issues.


  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Engineering Physics
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • English (Professional Communication)
  • Environment & Ecology
  • Human Values & Ethics


1. Waste Water Treatment

2. Solid Waste Management

3. Rain Water Harvesting

4. Corporate Communication

5. Corporate Training 

6. Life Skill Training

7. Voice & Accent Training

8. Behavioral Training

9. Leadership Training

10. Building Corporate Negotiation Framework


Chemistry Department at Faculty of Engineering and Technology providing a basic knowledge of Applied Chemistry and Environment & Ecology in B.Tech first and second year respectively. Through our course in Chemistry our central goal is teaching students how to conduct innovative research and communicate the results that satisfies all the established norms of environment and industry. At the Chemistry department, students enjoy personal experiences in scholarship and independent inquiry, in which they play an active role in formulating the research to be undertaken, implementing the work, and carrying it to completion. We focus on careful fundamental study with recognition of the practical and technological importance of the engineering education.

  1. Engineering Chemistry Lab

Number of equipments: pH meter, Colorimeter, Hot plate, Oven, digital weighing, Water Distillation Unit, Water bath, titration equipments, glass ware.



The Physics Department at Faculty of Engineering and Technology is one of the premier places in the state, providing world-class undergraduate education encouraging research in diverse areas of fundamental and applied physics. The objective of the department is to create future generations of skilled Engineers and Scientists by providing quality education through cutting edge technologies and innovative teaching techniques so as to make them well equipped to face present and future challenges and their overall sustainable professional growth. Establishment of state-of-the art experimental and computational facilities have opened to us venture into emergent interdisciplinary areas like nanotechnology, quantum information processing, nonlinear dynamics, and biophysics. With vibrant and active students, FoET Physics thrives to be one of the leading research departments in the state.

  1. Engineering Physics Lab

Number of equipments: Newton's ring, Polerimeter, Diffrection grating, Nodal slide, Fresnel Biprism, Potentiometer, Energy band gap, Stefan's law, Variation of magnetic field, Carey foster bridge, Viscosity



Department of Mathematics offers courses to undergraduate and post-graduate students of various engineering and computer science disciplines like BCA, MCA and B.Tech. The syllabi have been designed in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Computational Techniques and Statistical testing to impart the sound knowledge of the some mathematical software used and their applications in the engineering and other disciplines. The Objective is to create students with strong mathematical background, creative thinking, and problem solving skills through systematic training and to help student understand the significance of application and logical thinking. The department has highly motivated and experienced team of faculty members. Teachers of the department have two books to their credit.


In the wake of a new era, when there is a growing demand for humane and environment sensitive engineers, the English Department at Faculty of Engineering and Technology has taken a lead in the field of humanistic and communication studies by offering a specially curated curriculum that integrates discourses on humanities and social sciences along with the standard engineering education, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The study of human sciences plays an important role in the education of scientists and engineers by making their education holistic, going beyond specialized training in a particular area of technology and enabling them to think critically and sensitively for themselves and the society. Often, students are genuinely surprised to find that humanities and social sciences provide alternative modes of cognition and that not all problems of society have a technical solution. Technology, after all, does not exist in a vacuum. It is developed and deployed in a milieu that has both socio‐cultural and economic needs and constraints.

  1. Professional Communication Lab (Language Lab)

Equipments used in PC lab- Computers, Microphones, PC software, Projectors, Sound system