Achievements by the Department: 2000-2017
- National Seminar Organized: 20
- International Seminar Organized: 5
- Lectures Organized:35
- Projects Completed: 12
- Projects Ongoing: 5
- No. of Ph. D. Awarded: 170
- No. of M. Phil. Awarded: 426
- No. of JRF Qualified: 293
- No. of NET (UGC) Qualified: 491
- No. of UPSC Qualified: 17
- No. of UPPCS Qualified: 32
- No. of Assistant Professorship in different institutions: more than 30
- No. of Ph.D. Currently Enrolled: 92
- (2012-13= 10, 2013-14= 5, 2014-15=14, 2015-16= 14, 2016-17=49)
- No. of PDF (UGC/ICSSR): 10
- Total You Tube Lectures uploaded: 53