Light & Learning

Electrical Engineering


1. Brief  Report On Workshop Conducted On PLC and SCADA

A workshop was organized on Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) by Electrical  Engineering department of FOET, Lucknow university on 18/10/2019.  This workshop was done  by SOFCON India Pvt. Ltd. The aim of the workshop was to introduce students with the practical knowledge of industrial automation  and how they work. PLC is a digital computer which is used to control different electrical processes in industries. In this workshop students were made familiar with the working of different SOFCON PLC’s and SCADA software which are used in different processes of industries.

This workshop was very beneficial for the students. We strive to organize many such workshops in near future, for the benefit of students.


The job market is one of the most competitive we have ever known. Very often employers tell us that a degree alone is not indicative of a well-rounded graduate. It is very strongly felt that during graduation effort should be made to help the students to develop all round personality. To achieve this goal we should not just provide the opportunities for students to achieve good academic results but actively promote the benefits of a wider curriculum to the students. The Council will provide opportunities through which students can prepare themselves to succeed in the many and varied roles they will have to undertake in their future life. To recognise the importance and value of both academic curriculum and co-curricular activities in developing the range of skills and attributes that are important for graduates.

Introduction of a new course structure in 2017 have provided an opportunity to the undergraduate students to build a carrier to suit their interests and aspirations. The curriculum enables students to develop their subject knowledge, academic literacy and a range of complementary capabilities. Apart from academic curriculum there is co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which means any activity that falls outside the academic curriculum but it is part of Engineering curriculum. To keep the programme functional various councils have been formed. These councils are as under:

  • Literary Council
  • Technical Council
  • Fine Arts and Photography Council
  • Cultural Council
  • Sports Council

All the councils have one faculty member as convener and five students one from each branch nominated by the convener as member. Moreover all the councils will work under Chairman, Council of Students Activities (CSA). All the students are required to participate at least in any two activities of the council according to their interest and liking. There are 50 marks on the performance of these activities as General Proficiency (GP). These marks are awarded in the form of grade and not counted in the academic grade.