Book |
1. |
1986 |
Social Class and Family Life in India. Allahabad: Chugh Publications. |
2. |
1988 |
(ed.) On Entrepreneurship. Allahabad: Chugh Publications. |
3. |
2001 |
(ed. With Abha Avasthi). Modernity, Feminism and Women Empowerment. Jaipur Rawat Publications. |
1. |
1986 |
“Social Class and Class Consciousness in Literature” (with Vijaya Lakshmi), Indian Journal of American Studies. |
2. |
1986 |
“Samajik Varga evam Nagriya Jeevan Vidhi”, Manav: Vol.14, No.1 |
3. |
1987 |
“Class Structure and the Life Style in a Metropolis”, Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, Vol.6, No.2. |
4. |
1991 |
“Political Participation and Awareness among Students” (with Sunita Agarwal), Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, Vol.10, No.1. |
5. |
1995 |
“Dynamics of an Academic Group”, Contemporary Social Work, Vol.12, No.1. |
6. |
2000 |
“Generation Gap: Searching For Some Other Dimensions”, Contemporary Social Work, Vol.17, No.2. |
7. |
2003 |
“Occupational Aspirations of Indian Female Youth” (with Rachna Sarkar), in Vinod Chandra (ed.) Construction and Reconstruction of Indian Youth. Lucknow: Cycrci & J.N.P.G. College. |
Dr. R.G. YADAV |
1. |
Caste, Politics and Administration in Rural Setting (A Sociological Study (1999), Satrupa Publications, Lucknow released by H.E. the Governor of Uttar Pradesh.; |
2. |
Dalit Women in 21st Century (2007), Zodiac Publication, Lucknow; |
3. |
Industrial Sociology (2010), New Royal Publications, Lucknow; |
4. |
Industrial Psychology (2010),New Royal Publications, Lucknow. |
1. |
‘Gramin Sanrachna Main Shakti Satta Ke Badalte Ayam’ Manav, Lucknow (July to Sepetmeber, 1997). |
2. |
‘State and Society in Transition: The GCC’s Case of Modernity’ Indian Journal of Applied Economics (Jan.2006, Vol.3 No.1). |
3. |
‘Panchayati Elections and Dominant Caste: A Study of Three Villagers of Eastern U.P.’, TheAsian Man, Vol.1, 2007). |
4. |
‘Key Holders of Modernization’, The Asian Man, Vo.2, 2007. |
5. |
‘Changing Dimensions of Power Structure at Local Level Politics’, Uttar Pradesh Bhoogol Patrika, Vol. 38, No.1, March, 2008. |
6. |
‘Patha Ke Kolo Ka Samkalin Rajnitik Parvesh Evam Vikas Ki Dasha’, Radhakamal Mukerjee, Chintan Paramapara, July-Dec., 2007. |
7. |
‘Study of Panchayat Elections of the Eastern U.P. (Upadhyay),Journal of National Development’, Vol.20, 01 Nov., 2007. |
Dr. D.R. SAHU |
.1. |
2012 |
Sociology of Social Movement (Ed). New Delhi: Sage publications. |
1. |
2003 |
" New Social Movement and Youth: A Case of Anti-missile movement in Orissa" in the edited volume " Construction and Reconstruction of Indian Youth" CCYRCI, Lucknow 2003. |
2. |
2004 |
“Caste, Tribe and Peasantry in the emergence of a people’s Movement” The Eastern Anthropologist. Vol.57. NO.1. |
3. |
2005 |
Mid Term Appraisal of Tenth Five Year Plan of Uttar Pradesh on the chapters entitled “Social Justice and Empowerment Schemes for the empowerment of poor SC/ST/OBC/Women/Minorities: Special and Component Plan and Sub plan in association with GIDS sponsored by Govt. of UP. |
4. |
2006 |
Social Structure, People's Movement and Role of OBCs: A Case of Baliapal Movement in Orissa in edited volume Stagnation, Retrograde Change or Positive Progress? Vignettes from the journey of OBC communities in the process of change in India by H.S.Verma and N. Hasnain, Serial Publications. New Delhi |
5. |
2006 |
Caste, Tribe and Peasantry in the emergence of a people’s Movement in edited volume "Scheduled Tribes and Development" Edited by Saksena et al, Serial Publications, New Delhi |
6. |
2007 |
Empowerment and Social Justice in the edited volume" Development Challenges: Afflicting Uttar Pradesh" by D.M/. Diwakar & S. Nayak, Manak Publications, New Delhi 2009 “Women in Uttar Pradesh: From Silence to Voice” in Gender and Development: Towards a more sensitive measurement index for UP, published by IWS, Lucknow & Govt. of UP |
7. |
2012 |
“Social Movements: Issues and Perspectives” in Encyclopedia of Social Work, Edited By Surendra Singh, Royal Publications, Lucknow |
8. |
2012 |
"Feasibility of Social Capital and Collective Action in Villages of Uttar Pradesh: A case study" co authored with Pragya in B.R.Chauhan & Sataynarayana edited volume India’s Villages, RawatPublicationsNew Delhi |
9. |
2012 |
“Uttrar Pradesh mein Dashwi Panchvarshiya Yojna evam Mahilaye: Madhhyavarti Mulanka” with Manindra Tiwari , Manav,Vol.30,No. 1&2 |
10. |
2013 |
“From Conch Shell to Collective Action: A Case of successful Ethnic Movement in Baliapal, Orissa” in Koushar J. Azam edited volume Conflicting Ethnicities Locating the local in the Global, Manohar , New Delhi |
11. |
2013 |
“Everyday Politics of Water in Village Society” coauthored with Aparna in E journal, Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi Vol. 2 No. 2. |
1. |
1993 |
Myopic Development and Cultural Lens: An Evaluative Study of Tribal Development Programmes Among Kondhs of Orissa (With a foreword by Prof. S.C.Dube), New Delhi: Inter-India Publication. |
2. |
2004 |
Tribal Identity: Continuity & Change among Kondhs of Orissa (With a foreword by Prof. Vinay Kumar Srivastava). Jaipur: Rawat Publication. |
3. |
2006 |
Scheduled Tribes and Development. Delhi: Serials Publications. Edited Book with H.S. Saksena and Vinay Kumar Srivastava |
4. |
2006 |
Culture, Ecology & Sustainable Development(ed.). Delhi: Mittal Publication. |
5. |
2008 |
The Tribes and Mainstream of Indian Society and Culture. Jaipur: Rawat Publication. Edited book with Dr. S.M. Patnaik of Delhi University. |
6. |
2010 |
Anthropology in India. Delhi: Serial Publications. Edited Book with H.S. Saksena, Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Nadeem Hasnain and Sameera Maiti. |
7. |
2013 |
Ambedkar and the Future of Dalits (Ed). Delhi: Serials Publications. |
8. |
2014 |
Sociology of Environment(Ed).New Delhi : Sage Publications |
9. |
2015 |
Bhartiya Samaj Shastriya Chintak. (ed). New Delhi: Orient Blackswan |
1. |
1989 |
“Social Organisation of the Kondhs: Some Preliminary Observations”, Indian Anthropologist, Vol.19, No.1&2, pp.31-51. |
2. |
1990 |
“Evaluation of Development Programmes: A case of Kondhs of Orissa”, Third Concept, Vol.3, No.3, pp.37-40. |
3. |
_ |
“Tribal Development: Dimensions of Planning and Implementation”, Indian Anthropologist, Vol.20, No.1&2, pp.49-65. |
4. |
_ |
“Valayars of South India”, Indian Anthropologist, Vol.21. No.2, pp.75-79. |
5. |
1991 |
“Ecology and Economy of the Kondhs of Orissa”, Journal of Human Ecology, Vo.12, No.2, pp. |
6. |
_ |
Evaluative Techniques and Development Anthropology”, Man and Life, Vol.17, No.1&2, pp. 83-92. |
7. |
1997 |
“Evolution of Tribal Policy in India: An Appraisal”, in J.S.Bhandari and S.M.Channa(eds.) Tribes and Government Policies. New Delhi: Cosmo. |
8. |
1998 |
“On Land and Forest Right of the Tribals”, Bulletin of SC & ST Research and Training Institute, UP, Lucknow. Vol.1, No.2. |
9. |
_ |
“Development and Displacement: Anthropological Perspectives”, in S.P.Srivastava(ed.) The Development Debate: Critical Perspectives. Jaipur: Rawat. |
10. |
2000 |
“Reflections on Emancipation of Tribal Women”, Indian Anthropologist, Vol.30:1&2. |
11. |
2002 |
“Dalits Today: Creation of New Social Order”, The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol.55:2&3. |
12. |
_ |
Three chapters – Indian Society, Rural, Urban, Tribal and Varna and Caste in Class XI text book on Sociology of NationalOpenSchool, New Delhi. |
13. |
2003 |
“Changing Aspects of Kinship Among Kondhs”, The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol.56:2, 3 and 4. |
14. |
2004 |
“Ethnicity and Identity among Tribes: A Case of Kondhs of Orissa”, in V.K.Srivastava and M.K. Singh (eds.) Issues and Themes in Anthropology, Delhi: Palka Prakashan. |
15. |
2005 |
“A TribalVillage”, The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol.58:3-4 |
16. |
2006 |
“Introduction” (with V.K. Srivastava & H.S.Saksena) in Scheduled Tribes and Development, Delhi: Serials Publications. |
17. |
_ |
“Changing Aspects of Kinship Among Kondhs”, in H.S.Saksena, V.K.Srivastava & S.K.Chaudhury(eds.) Scheduled Tribes and Development, Delhi: Serials Publications. |
18. |
_ |
“Introduction” in S.K.Chaudhury (ed.) Culture, Ecology & Sustainable Development. Delhi: Mittal Publication. Delhi: Mittal Publication. |
19. |
2007 |
“Civilizational approach of N.K. Bose & Surajeet Sinha”, The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol.60:3-4. |
20. |
2008 |
“Introduction” in S.K.Chaudhury & S.M. Patnaik (eds.) Indian Tribes and the Mainstream. Jaipur: Rawat Publications. |
21. |
_ |
“Anthropology of Tribal Development: The Kondh Case” in S.K.Chaudhury & S.M.Patnaik (eds.) Indian Tribes and the Mainstream. Jaipur: Rawat Publications. |
22. |
_ |
“Do Kondh Constitute a Tribe? The Question of Identity”,The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol.61:4. |
23. |
2009 |
“Relevance of N.K. Bose’s Civilizational Approach in Understanding Tribal Situation Today” in Sachchidananda & Vinay Kumar Srivastava (eds.) Social Anthropology in Eastern India. New Delhi: Serials Publications. |
24. |
_ |
“Review of Tribal Studies 1988 – 2002” (with V.K. Srivastava) in Yogesh Atal (ed.) in Sociology and Social Anthropology in India(ICSSR 4thSurvey). New Delhi: Pearson for ICSSR. |
25. |
2010 |
“Dynamics of Culture & Ecological Sustainability”, in Joyanta Borbora and Vinay Kumar Srivastava (eds.) Issues in Contemporary Society. Guwahati: DVS Publishers. |
26 |
_ |
“Introduction”in H.S.Saksena, Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Nadeem Hasnain, Sukant K. Chaudhury and Sameera Maiti(eds.). Anthropology in India. Delhi: Serials Publications. |
27. |
_ |
“Civilizational Approach to the study of Indian Society”, in H.S.Saksena, Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Nadeem Hasnain, Sukant K. Chaudhury and Sameera Maiti(eds.). Anthropology in India.Delhi: Serials Publications. |
28. |
2011 |
“Writing up a Thesis”, The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol.64:1. |
29. |
2012 |
“Bhartiya Samaj Adhdhayan ka sabhyata Pariprekshya: Nirmal Kumar Bose evam Surjeet Sinha”, Manav, Vol. 30: No. 1 & 2. |
30. |
2013 |
“Introduction” in S.K. Chaudhury (eds.) Ambedkar and Future of Dalits, Delhi: Serials Publications |
31. |
_ |
“Do Kondh Constitute a Tribe?” The Question of Identity”, in Vinay Kumar Srivastava (ed.) Tribes in India: Concepts, Institutions and Practices. New Delhi: Serials Publications. |
32. |
_ |
“Ethics and Spirituality among Tribes: Some Issues”, The Eastern Anthropologist,Vol.66,No.2 |
33. |
2014 |
“Introduction” in Sociology of Environment, New Delhi: Sage |
34. |
_ |
“Bhartiya Samajsashtra Ka Aantarikaran Evam Sthaniyakaran”, Bhartiya Samajshastra Sameeksha, Vol. 1 No.2, pp 36-48. |
35. |
2015 |
“Modernization and Cultural Identity of Tribals in India” in Ishwar Modi (ed.) Gender, Identity and Multiplied Marginalities. Jaipur: Rawat Publications |
36. |
_ |
“Writing Up a Thesis” in Vinay Kumar Srivastava (ed.) Experiences of Field Work and Writing, Delhi: Serials Publications. |
37. |
_ |
“Indian Sociology: Some Issues” in S.K. Gupta and Vinay Kumar Srivastava (eds.) Exploring Indian Society: Essays in honour of Prof. Yogesh Atal. Delhi: Indus Publications |
1. |
2000 |
Samajshashtriya Vichardhara (co- author), Ranchi: Apex publications |
2. |
2003 |
Western Marxism , Patna: Janaki Prakashan |
3. |
2008 |
Bhartiya Samaj, Lucknow: Bharat Book Center |
1. |
2002 |
“Dumont’s Structuralist Method to Study Indian Society – An Enquiry to the Philosophy of Sciences”, The Oriental Anthropologist, Vol. 2,No.1 |
2. |
2003 |
“Gramscian Marxism”, Society and Change.Vol.12,No.2&3 |
3. |
2003 |
“Ideology and Science”, Society and change, Vol.12, No. 4 |
4. |
2005 |
“Max Weber – Themes and Perspectives”, The Oriental Anthropologist, Vol. 5, No.1 |
1. |
2001 |
“Status of Women in Fisheries Society of Trombay”, Mumbai: IIPS |
2. |
2002 |
“Socio-Economic and Demographic Change among Garo tribe of Meghalya”, Mumbai: IIPS |
3. |
2005 |
“The Status of Maternal Health and Child Health”, Indian Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, Varanasi: Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU |
4. |
2007 |
“HIV/AIDS: Problem of Socialization” Man In India, Vol 65, No. 2 |
5. |
2011 |
“A Study of Students Perception on Gender Inequality”AJOMS, Vol. 1, No. 1 |
6. |
2012 |
“Malnourished Children and Underdeveloped States of India”,Samajbodh, Vol 2 No. 1 |
7. |
2013 |
“Gramin Swasthya Samasya:Karan evam Nivaran”, Journal of Society and Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1. |
8. |
2013 |
“Globlization in India: Myths and Reality”, Samajbodh, Vol.4, No. 1 |
9. |
2013 |
‘Adolescent Sex Ratio Falling in India’Journal of Social Sciences & Linguistics, Vol. 12, No. 2 |
1. |
2005 |
Pulse Polio ke Prati Gramino ki Jagrukta ka Adhdhayan. Kurukshetra, July |
2. |
2005 |
Madhya Pradesh mein Dalit Mahila Shiksha ko Protsahan. Samaj Kalyan, September. |
Dr. S.K. DHAL |
1. |
2009 |
“Identity and Social Differentials of Health among Migrants: A Sociological Study” in the journal of Health Action, Vol22, No2 February.(ISSN NO 0970-471 X) |
2. |
2010 |
“Migration and Identity” in proceedings of the 3rd Next-Generation Global Workshop, published by Kyoto University, Japan in December.(ISBN 978-4-87974-635-1) |
3. |
2015 |
Chapter on ”Education and Tribal Women’s Development & Empowerment: Realizing an NGO’s Importance in Odisha” Published in an edited book on Relocating Women’s Equality by Pankaj Kumar & Sadhna Gupta, published by Rawat Publication, New Delhi. (ISBN NO 9788131607428) |
4. |
2015 |
“Module 4.4 Social Institutions and Gender” in the UGC E Pathsala Project . |
5. |
2015 |
“Module 2.1 The Changing Concept of Body” in the UGC E Pathsala Project. |
6. |
2015 |
“Family, Marriage, Values & Norms and Acculturation, Assimilation & Integration” for Higher Secondary students of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), MHRD. Noida in December. |