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Medieval and Modern Indian History

Departmental YouTube Channel

Brief History of Department:

The Department of Medieval and Modern History which was originally the Department of History, has played a very prominent role in the academic activities of the University since its inception. The Department was first headed by an eminent British scholar, Sir E. W. Smith, followed by Prof. Radha Kumud Mukherjee. Other distinguished faculty members were Prof. S. N. Dasgupta, Prof. S. K. Banerjee, Prof. K. R. Qanungo, Prof. N. L. Chatterjee, Prof. Nurul Hasan and Prof. G. D. Bhatnagar.

In 1972, the Department of History was bifurcated into two separate departments: the Department of Western History, headed by Late Prof. G.S. Misra and the Department of Medieval and Modern History, headed by Late Prof. R. N. Nagar, followed by Late Prof. S. N. Qanungo, Late Prof. N. K. Zutshi, Late Prof. V. D. Pandey, Prof. Rashmi Pande, Prof. Rashmi Rekha, Dr. S. A, Rizvi  Prof. Aroop Chakravarti and Prof. Shama Mahmood .

The other Faculty members of the Department, who contributed in their respective fields, were Late Dr. Brij Kishore and Late Dr. R. S. Rastogi. Prof. P. K Ghosh is still providing guidance to students in the Department in an honorary capacity.

Presently Prof. S. A. Rizvi is heading the Department with a team of learned colleagues. The other Faculty members are Prof. Rashmi Rekha, Prof. Shama Mahmood, Dr. Manisha and Dr. Deepti Jaiswal.

From time to time the Department has hosted Seminars on various topics organised under the auspicies of ICHR New Delhi. The Department has also hosted a Session of the U. P. History Congress. Apart from this, the Department has been regularly holding Lectures, Seminars and Workshops for the benefit of the Students, Research Scholars and Teachers.