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Mathematics and Astronomy Verify

S.No. Faculty Title View
1 Prof. Meena Sahai Linear Programming 4 View
2 Prof. Rajendra Prasad M.A./M.Sc. Semester III (Structures on even dimensional manifolds) View
3 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space-1 View
4 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space-2 View
5 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -3 View
6 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space-5 View
7 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space-6 View
8 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -4 View
9 Dr. Anupma Rastogi Factor Groups View
10 Prof. R. R. Yadav Sturm Liouville Problems View
11 Pro. R. R. Yadav The method of Eigen Function Expansion for Green’s Functions View
12 Prof. R. R. Yadav Green's Function View
13 Prof. R. R. Yadav Systems of Differential Equations & Matrix Formulation View
14 Prof. Rajendra Prasad Structures on even dimensional manifolds-2 View
15 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space-7 View
16 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -8 View
17 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -10 View
18 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -11 View
19 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -9 View
20 Prof. Poonam Sharma Measure Theory & Integration-1 View
21 Prof. Meena Sahai Banach Space 1(Functional Analysis) View
22 Prof. Meena Sahai Banach Space 2(Functional Analysis) View
23 Prof. Meena Sahai Banach Space 3(Functional Analysis) View
24 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -12 View
25 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -13 View
26 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -14 View
27 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -15 View
28 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -16 View
29 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -17 View
30 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -18 View
31 Prof. Vivek Sahai Hilbert Space -19 View
32 Prof. Meena Sahai Linear Programming 1 View
33 Prof. Meena Sahai Linear Programming 2 View
34 Prof. Meena Sahai Linear Programming 3 View
35 Prof. Poonam Sharma Measure Theory and Integration 2 View
36 Dr. U. S. Rajput Equation of Continuity(Fluid Mechanics) View
37 Dr. Swarnima Bahadur Properties of Isomorphism of Rings View
38 Dr. Swarnima Bahadur Sub-Rings View
39 Dr. Swarnima Bahadur Characteristics of Ring View
40 Dr. Swarnima Bahadur Ideals View
41 Prof. Meena Sahai Linear Programming 5 View
42 Dr. Shyam Kishor Group Theory-I View
43 Dr. Shyam Kishor Group Theory-2 View
44 Dr. Shyam Kishor Group Theory-3 View
45 Dr. Shyam Kishor Group Theory-4 View
46 Dr. Shyam Kishor Group Theory-5 View
47 Dr. Shyam Kishor Linear Transformations-1 View
48 Dr. Shyam Kishor Linear Transformations-2 View
49 Dr. Shyam Kishor Vector Spaces-1 View
50 Dr. Shyam Kishor Vector Spaces-2 View
51 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Numerical analysis-1 View
52 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Numerical analysis-2 View
53 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Numerical analysis-3 View
54 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Numerical analysis-4 View
55 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Numerical analysis-5 View
56 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Numerical analysis-6 View
57 Prof. Pankaj Mathur Interpolation View
58 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Series View
59 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Series-2 View
60 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Series-3 View
61 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier and Laplace Transforms View
62 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Transform View
63 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Transforms-2 View
64 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Transforms-3 View
65 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Transforms-4 View
66 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Fourier Integrals View
67 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Laplace Transforms View
68 Dr. Rakha Srivastava Laplace Transform-2 View