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Student Detail


 Name Of Bank * : Required! Please Enter Only Alphabet Name of Account Holder * : Required! Please Enter only Alphabet
 Account No. * : Required! Please Enter valid Account No.  IFSC Code * : Required!
 PAN No. * : Required! Please Enter Valid PAN No.
 Blood Group * : Required!  Weight (Kg) * : Required! Enter Minimun 2 digits      
 Height (in cms) * : Required! Enter Minimun 2 digits  Do you wear spectacles? * :
Yes No
Student ID * : {{StudentID}} Student Photograph
Choose Photograph
.jpeg/.jpg format are allowed (max 500 KB)
Roll No* : Required!
Enrollment No. :
Student Name * : Required!
Year Of Admission : {{AdmissionYear}} Student Signature
Choose Signature
.jpeg/.jpg format are allowed (max 500 KB)
Program Type : {{ProgramType}}
Faculty : {{Faculty}}
Course : {{Program}}
Year/Semester : {{Year}}
Subject : {{Subject}}
Section : {{Section}}
Paper : {{Paper}}
 Father's Name * : Required!  Mother's Name * : Required!
 Date Of Birth * : Required!  Gender* :
Male Female Transgender
 Category : {{Category}}  Sub Category : {{SubCategory}}
 Weightage : {{Weightage}}  Domicile : {{Domicile}}
 Nationality : {{Nationality}}  Religion : {{Religion}}
 Zero Fee : {{ZeroFees}}  Annual Income * : Required!
 Income Below 2 Lacs : {{IncomeBelow}}  Year of Admission : {{AdmissionYear}}
 Student's Mobile No. : {{MobileNo}}  Student's E-Mail Id * : Required! Please Enter Valid Email
 Alternate Mobile No.* : Required! Mobile No. must be 10 digit  Local Guardian's Mobile No * : Required! Mobile No. must be 10 digit
 Father's Mobile No.* : Required! Mobile No. must be 10 digit  Father's E-Mail Id : Please Enter Valid Email
 Mother's Mobile No. : Mobile No. must be 10 digit  Mother's E-Mail Id : Please Enter Valid Email
 Passport No. : Required!  VISA No. : Required!

Local Address

 Address * :
 Country* : {{LocalCountry}}  State* :
 Local Police Station* : Required! Local Railway Station* : Required!
 PIN Code * : Required! Pin code must be 6 digit.  Landline No. with STD Code : Maximum 12 digit

Permanent Address

 Address * :
 Country * : Required! State* : Required!
 Permanent Police Station* : Required! Permanent Railway Station* : Required!
 PIN Code *   Required! Pin code must be 6 digit. Landline No. with STD Code : Maximum 12 digit
 Aadhar Card No. * : {{AadharCardNo}}  Income certificate No. * : {{IncomeCertificateNo}}
 ID Certificate No. : {{IDCertificateNo}}  ID Proof : {{ProofID}}
 Upload Aadhar Card :
.jpeg/.jpg/.png format are allowed (max 100 KB)

{{ key }}

 Roll No. : {{marks.RollNo}}  Passing Year : {{marks.PassingYear}}      
 Marks : {{marks.Marks}}  Board : {{marks.Board}}      
 Division : {{marks.Division}} Percentage : {{marks.Percentage}}      

Tuition Fee

 Session : {{FeeSession}} Fee Type : {{FeeType}}
 Amount : {{Amount}}  Mode of Payment : {{Mop}}
 Transaction Date : {{TransactionDate}}

Are you availing Hostel Facility?

Yes No
 Name Of Hostel : Required!  Room No : Required!
Scholarship Registration No : {{ScholarshipRegNo}}

Sno Disciplinary Action Action Date
{{key+1}}. {{value.DisciplinaryActionName}} {{value.ActionDate}}
  • {{ key }} errors
    • {{ e.$name }} has an error: {{ key }}.