YouTube Channel Department of Civil Engineering
(Admission help line Number: +91-7991200632)
Er. Nidhi Srivastava |
Assistant Professor |
Department Coordinator |
Mobile: 7985011067 |
Email: |
The Faculty of Engineering & Technology was re-established in 2017, as one of the faculties of the University of Lucknow. The vision of Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FoET) is to be globally renowned for imparting quality engineering education in pioneering interdisciplinary technology. The FoET's mission is to produce morally aware, dynamic, competent engineering professionals and leaders who shall steer the nation to a better future. The Faculty offer B.Tech. programme in five branches of Engineering i.e. Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. The Faculty also offers BCA & MCA programmes. All B.Tech and MCA admissions for the session 2021-22 shall made through AKTU counselling on the basis of JEE-2021 merit (for B.Tech.) and NTA-UPCET-2021 merit (for MCA & B.Tech. Lateral Entry) whereas admission in BCA takes place as per University of Lucknow guidelines. The FoET had made substantial contribution to the academia and provides experience through internships in core companies of respective branches, along with expert talks, live projects, workshops and upscale labs.
The Faculty of Engineering & Technology is located in the second campus of the University in Jankipuram extension, Lucknow. The second campus, University of Lucknow accommodates Faculty of Law, Institute of Management Sciences and several other professional courses in addition to Faculty of Engineering & Technology. Large stretches of this area are covered by green belt. The Eco-friendly practices and teaching-learning are planned to be combined together to promote sustainable development. Furthermore, initiatives have also been taken towards energy conservation and tapping of solar energy in the campus.
The Department of Civil Engineering offers 4 years B.Tech in Civil Engineering and it has an intake of 60 students. The department has a well qualified faculty and technical supporting staff. All the laboratories of the department are well equipped with modern equipments.
Number of Equipments: 08 (Vicat’s Apparatus, Compression Testing Machine, Le-Chatelier’s Apparatus, Flexure Testing Machine, Sieve Shaker & I.S. Sieves (coarse &fine both), Silt Content & Bulking of sand, Oven, Cube Vibrator)
Number of Equipments: 06 (Chains & Links, Prismatic Compass & Surveyor’s compass, Theodolite, Dumpy Level, Auto Level, Plane Table)
Number of Equipments: 08 (Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Friction Factor Apparatus, Bend meter, Reynolds Apparatus, Orifice,Bernoulli’s Apparatus, Metacentric height Apparatus)
Number of Equipments: 04 (Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine, Pelton Turbine, Tilted Flume)
Number of Equipments: 08 (Maxwell Theorem Apparatus, Flexural rigidity Apparatus, Column Buckling Apparatus, 3-pin jointed bar Apparatus, Curved Members Apparatus, Unsymmetrical Bending Apparatus, 2- Hinged Arch, 3- Hinged Arch)
Number of Equipments: 05 (Total Station with reflector Prism, Mirror Stereoscope, Lens Stereoscope, Parallax bar, Hand-held GPS)
Number of Equipments: 16 (Vicat’s Apparatus, Compression Testing Machine, Le-Chatelier’s Apparatus, Flexure Testing Machine, Sieve Shaker with I.S., Sieves (coarse &fine both), Slump Cone Apparatus, Vee-Bee Consistometer, Flow Table Test, Compaction Factor Test, Schmidt Rebound Hammer, Concrete Test Hammer, Concrete Drum Mixer, Vibrating Table, Water Bath, Oven, Cube Vibrator)
Number of Equipments: 14 (Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus, Aggregate Impact Value Apparatus, Los-Angeles Abrasion Machine, Dorry’s Attrition Machine, Length Gauge, Thickness Gauge, CBR Testing Apparatus, Marshall’s Apparatus, Penetrometer, Ring & Ball Apparatus, Ductility Testing Machine, Flash & Fire Point Apparatus, Sieve Shaker with I.S. Sieves, Oven)
Number of Equipments: 13 (Hydrometer, Cassagrande’s Apparatus, Proctor Compaction Apparatus, Relative Density Apparatus, Core Cutter, Permeability Apparatus, Direct Shear Apparatus, Standard Penetration Test, Static Cone Penetration Apparatus, Sand Replacement apparatus, Water Content Determination Apparatus, Shrinkage Limit Apparatus, Plastic Limit Apparatus)
Number of Equipments: 11 (pH meter, Turbidity meter, BOD Incubator apparatus, COD Digestion tank apparatus, Conductivity Meter Apparatus, Kjheldal Apparatus, Jar Test Apparatus, High Volume Sampler, Sound level meter, Distillation Tank, Multi-test Parameter)