The economic output in any sysyemcan be increased in two ways –
(a)Increasing the number of inputs in the productive process
(b)Implementation of new ways to get more output from the same number of inputs.
The latter is the essence of what is broadly meant by innovation, which is defined as the introduction of new or significantly improved products (goods or services), processes, organizational methods, and marketing methods in internal business practices or the marketplace. Innovation is believed to be the fundamental source of significant wealth generation within an economy. In the present scenario
The APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Innovation was established with the objective of providing experimental research facility to the faculty members and students of the university in the area of material science and informationscience including training on latest software packages like,MATLAB, OCTAVE, Web Designing, Android, STSS, P-Spice, Cyber Security, PYTHON, PHP etc.
The center intend to provide facilities for material testing right from nanomaterialsupto bulk materials like rocks building materials etc. In addition to that the main activity of the center is to provide specialized training to the faculty members and students of the university, that can add value to their existing knowledge and prepare them for becoming successful professional.
A center of scientific resources and support for students and faculty members.
The centers activities would be monitored under four main categories
Facilities available: