Head of Department
The Department of Statistics is one of the high-ranking departments of the country with respect to teaching and research. The undergraduate program in Statistics was started in 1948 and postgraduate program was started in 1950 as the part of Mathematics Department. Later in 1958 it was seperated from Mathematics and Statistics Department came into existance. From From the establishment of the department, it has been facilitated by eminent persons like Prof. B.P. Adhikari, Prof. V.S. Huzurbazar, Prof. Desraj, Prof. K.V. Ramchandran, Prof. S.G. Ghurye, Prof. A.R. Roy, Prof. S.K. Ray, Prof. V.K. Srivastava, Prof. R.K. Singh and Prof. G.G. Agarwal. During the past 60 years, the department has earned for itself an excellent reputation in teaching and research with specialization in Statistical Inference, Bayesian Inference, Design of Experiments, Survey Sampling, Econometrics, Bio-Statistics, Gender Statistics, Quality Management, Population Studies and other Applied areas. Besides being well-known world-wide for its contributions, this is one of the departments in the country which figures in the ranking list the area of 'Econometrics'. Several teachers and students have achieved eminence in India and abroad in the field of Academics. Many have secured top positions in prestigious Universities, Institutes, Government administration and multinational companies.
Library at the department has the latest and rare books, journals with proper reading room facility for teachers, students and research scholars. There is provision to access to e-journals through UGC-INFLIBNET project. There are three Computers Labs having 80 Computers with Software like SPSS, STATA, R, Epi Info, Census Info, MATLAB etc.
The department has conducted a series of summer schools, orientation programs, workshops, seminars, invited talks, training programs national and international conferences.
To enhance Teaching and Research facilities, UGC granted COSIST Programme in 1992 and SAP in 2013; DST (PURSE) by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. Of India in 2012-2013 and Centre of Excellence by Govt. Of U.P. in 2013.
Faculty members have been invited in Seminars and Workshops held in India and Abroad for delivering Keynote Addresses, Invited Talks, Organizing and Chairing the Sessions. Contributions of Faculty members have found place in foreign published standard text books and research journals. Faculty members have been honoured with awards and fellowships of various national and international societies such as Clinical Epidemiology Unit of K.G.M.U, Fellow of Royal Statistical Society, London, U.K., Institutes of Mathematical Statistics, USA, International Statistical Institute etc. Department also extends technical assistance to the researchers of other disciplines such as Social, Economic, Biological, Business and Medical Sciences etc.
The Department is running M.A./M.Sc. Statistics, M.A./M.Sc. Biostatistics Programmes namely, which are job oriented courses. The passout students of these courses have been placed in private, public & multinational companies like TCS, Infosys, SAS, SAP, Deloitte etc. as executives. Many students have been selected for various government jobs like Indian Statistical Services, Union Public Servie commissions, Public Service commissons of variou States, Higher Education Service Commisson, Reserve Bank of India etc. Also the several students of the department are selected as the faculty members in various reputed institutions/Universities of India and abroad.